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How to Choose a Wedding Planner

Now that we talked about the importance of your vendors, we come to - "How to Choose a Wedding Planner." If you wedding-plannerare choosing to use a wedding planner, this should be where your interview process begins!

Charlotte Jarrett, as we discussed in an earlier blog, understands how important it is for a bride to select the planner that best fits them.  She gave me a list for brides to have to keep in mind.  I also spoke with another great planner, Peyton Craig of Encounter Events and he described it as the 4B's when it comes to choosing the right planner for you: Budget, Busy, Blind or Buddy? We'll get to that in a minute, let's start with Charlotte's list!

1. THE MORE THE MERRIER-  You should interview at least 3-5 planners.  Keep in mind you will be spending the next year with this person, in good times and bad! Lol.  Pick someone that understands your vision, who you can get along with,  that will keep you calm when you are not.   

2.  Personality is KEY!!  You may love someone's design and technique but if you can't see yourself having lunch with this person, then they probably won't be the best planner for you. This will be your best friend for the next year!

3.  Pre-Interview Live!-  Website's and Portfolio's are important for "pre-interviewing" wedding planners.  This is where you will see their work.  You can get a good idea of who they are and where they've been by their portfolio and website.  This will help you scratch off a planner or two before you set up an interview.  

4.  Review Relevance!-  Reviews are very relevant.  Check online for reviews and write ups! It is important to find out what people are saying.  You want to know what the experience was like with this planner.  Keep in mind that the bride who wrote the review may not have fit with the planner but as long as you fit and the reviews state that the organization of and access to the planner was there then you are golden!

5.  Referals and References-  Referals are the best compliment! If you have a bride that is recommending a consultant AND you see the consultant is fit for you- then you have just hit the event planner jackpot!!!  There is nothing better then a referral!!

Now let's get Peyton's point of view!  What are the 4 B's and where do you fit?  Budget, Busy, Blind or Buddy? Peyton explained to me that there are different kinds of wedding planners and you need to find out what kind of wedding planner suits your needs.  

Budget-  Are you looking for a planner because you need someone to help you get the best bang for your buck?  These planners will go to appointments to negotiate contracts for you so that you stay within your budget.  Planners are great at this.  And if this is your main goal, you need to let the planners you are interviewing know that this is why you are hiring a planner. Some planners call themselves planners when they are really wedding designers.  So make sure you are clear on WHY you are hiring a planner.

Buddy-  Some gals just need a buddy!  Especially if you are a long distance bride and your friends and family are all in different states, then you may need someone to tell you how beautiful you look when you come out in a gown for the first time, or how magical your day is going to be when your nerves start to come into play during all this planning.  Some planners become your second mom or best friend during this process and for some brides that's just what they needed!

Blind- Some girls feel LOST when it comes to picking colors, design etc.  This is where a creative eye comes in and tries to understand you, your fiance and what defines you as a couple.  A good planner will get a good idea of this and begin to put things together that make sense to you and you will start to enjoy the design process because really it's all about YOU!  Your colors will be colors both you and your "husband to be" love and the venue will be a setting that really explains to your guests who you are together. Starting to make sense? Let's move on!

Busy-  Lastly, a reason and need for a planner is because you are just TOO busy to plan a wedding on your own.    If you are someone who has lots going on, then you need someone to actually PLAN the wedding. This planner will not only plan but also help you with budget, day of wedding issues and design!  This will be the most costly of all because they are taking you from A to Z.

Now that you have all this information,  really take it all in, make sense of it, then start your interviewing process confidently.  You are on your way to a very special day!!

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